The secret to building confident kids

Did you know about this?

Hey Parents,

The start of a new academic year is often a tough time for our kids. The new term may mean a new school, new teachers, and new classmates. We hope they can face these challenges with bravery and confidence (even if we’re struggling!).

When it comes to building confident kids though, there’s a secret…

Developing your child’s physical literacy can be literally game changing. Here’s how…

Physical literacy isn’t just about being good at sport; it’s about developing motivation, confidence, participation, and physical competence.


Kids who explore a range of activities have a better chance of discovering their passions.

This enthusiasm becomes the driving force that keeps them active and excited to try new things.


As they master new movements and skills, their confidence is boosted. Every new triumph such as kicking a ball or conquering the climbing frame builds self-esteem. 


When kids are physically literate, they’re more likely to get stuck into group play. This paves the way for making new friends, and building important social skills. Play is fun!


Developing the motor skills to move with confidence helps kids try new activities. It facilitates play, which in turn increases motivation and the physical literacy cycle continues!

Physical literacy really is a gift that keeps on giving. 

Help your child develop these essential skills, and you’re setting them up for a future full of confidence, motivation, and physical activity!

Now watch them walk into school on their first day with whole new levels of confidence!

At Get Set Go Kids we are specialists in developing physical literacy in young children.

Follow us @getsetgokids or visit to find out more.

Even better, why not book a FREE trial session for your child today and change the way they play forever!

Let’s Get Into Sport together

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