How to unlock the ABC’s of physical literacy

When your child learns to read, they unlock a magical world of limitless stories and knowledge. The process of learning such a life changing skill involves distinct phases, each appropriate to your child’s age and stage of development. Just as we ignite a lifelong love for reading, let’s see how we can introduce our kids to discover a passion for sport and movement.


Young children, like early readers, explore the world of movement through play. Running, jumping, and rolling are their picture books. These simple, yet essential skills form the foundation of physical literacy.


Just as letters combine to form words, basic movements link to develop balance, agility, coordination, and fundamental skills. Simple games like tag form their first vocabulary.


Phonics form the building blocks of language. Fundamental sports skills and principles begin to unlock the foundations of sport. These skills are refined and can be applied to specific activities.


With foundations in place, children can make choices on the genre of book or type of sport they enjoy most. They can also confidently apply their skills and explore a whole range of sports to find their passion.


Like delving into complex literature, strong physical literacy skills provide the confidence and motivation to participate and engage in specific sports, join teams, or play competitively.

To conclude, we would never consider giving our young readers a classic novel as they start learning to read, so should offer the same support as they master their physical literacy and movement skills. Expecting your child to step straight into organized sport is unrealistic.

Let’s build strong foundations and empower our children with the keys to unlock the exciting world of sport for a brighter, healthier future.

At Get Set Go Kids we are specialists in developing physical literacy in young children.

Follow us @getsetgokids or visit to find out more.

Even better, why not book a FREE trial session for your child today and change the way they play forever!

Let’s Get Into Sport together

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