Discover how you can change the way your child plays forever.

Never heard of physical literacy? You should probably read this…

Hey Parents,

We all understand the importance of leading healthy and active lifestyles. As parents though, how do we encourage our children to enjoy and participate in physical activity?

It’s time to find out how physical literacy can impact your child’s future development.

Let’s start with 5 key benefits of physical literacy and how you can sow the seed for a passion to play.


Physical literacy helps your child develop essential motor skills like running, jumping, throwing, and catching. It develops a solid base to become physically confident and capable. These skills come in handy when they want to play different sports and games.


Regular physical play and exercise can improve concentration, attention span, and problem-solving skills. So, when they’re playing, they’re not only having fun but also getting smarter! Research proves physical activity helps your child’s brain develop.


Physical activity is sociable in its nature. When children play, they get to interact with others. They learn to work together, share and play as a team. This can boost confidence and self-esteem.


Physical literacy isn’t just developing skills. It’s empowering your child with the confidence and motivation to participate. Ignite their passion to move from an early age and they’re more likely to maintain an active lifestyle as they get older!


Play is fun – simple. Physical literacy opens the door to a wide range of activities and sports for your child to explore. They can discover what they enjoy most and then you can fuel their passion!

At Get Set Go Kids we are specialists in developing physical literacy in young children.

Even better, why not book a FREE trial session for your child today and change the way they play forever!

Let’s Get Into Sport together

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