Building Strong Foundations

Foundations first – what’s the rush?

Hey Parents,

Can I ask you a personal question?

What are you good at? I mean really good at? 

How did you get good at it? Why did you want to be good in the first place?

A common question I’ve been asked by parents about their young children in the past is, “are they any good?”

If we even consider answering this, it’s probably important to align on exactly what a 4-year-old needs to be good at?

From the day they are born, a child’s superpower is their incredible ability to learn. The speed at which they do so is literally mind-blowing. In their early years, their developmental curve is exponential. So, at what point can we honestly expect them to be ‘good’ at anything?!

If you build a house, you spend a lot of time on the foundations. Digging holes and pouring concrete isn’t pretty and can get messy but needs to be done properly to allow us to build. Fixtures and fittings logically come at the end.

Is there any reason then why such logical steps seem to be ignored when it comes to kids’ sports? Why do we expect them to be ‘good’ at games that are ultimately created for adults? Why are we laying bricks with no foundations?

To help build the strongest foundations let’s focus on physical literacy, fundamental movement skills and fun. Let’s enjoy watching our kids do what they’re good at – learning. 

They’ll decide how they decorate their house when they’re ready!

At Get Set Go Kids we are specialists in developing physical literacy in young children.

Visit to find out more.

Even better, why not book a FREE trial session for your child today and change the way they play forever!

Let’s Get Into Sport together

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