Importance Of Physical Literacy From A 4-Year Old

We need to talk!

Dear Mum & Dad,

We need to talk!

I’m growing up quickly and we only have a few years to make sure I can do things like run, jump, balance, throw and catch – it’s something called physical literacy!

I need you to help me as early as possible so I can play all kinds of games when I’m older. 

I really want to be good at moving so I can play with my friends and build my confidence.

Being active is fun but I’m worried if I don’t learn these basic skills now, I might just give up. 

I might never discover what I could have been good at and end up playing on my device instead.

Get Set Go Kids are experts on physical literacy. They teach lots of important skills and play different sports every week!

Shall we try a free trial session – it sounds fun!

Love from your future sports star


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